Episode 16 - Saul Visits the Witch at Endor (1 Samuel 28)

In this episode of Bible On The Rocks, Josh tells the story of Saul, the first king of Israel, visiting the witch at Endor. Death predictions, a ghost, and a witch; what more could you ask for? Brett, Jamison, and Jeremy then discuss with Josh what the implications of this story may be. So, sit back and enjoy as we explore the Bible with Bible On The Rocks.
In this episode of Bible On The Rocks, Josh tells the story of Saul, the first king of Israel, visiting the witch at Endor.  Death predictions, a ghost, and a witch; what more could you ask for? Brett, Jamison, and Jeremy then discuss with Josh what the implications of this story may be.  So, sit back and enjoy as we explore the Bible with Bible On The Rocks.
Spitfire Productions