Displaying 31 - 37 of 37 in total

Episode 6 - Elisha and the Two Bears (2 Kings 2)

In this episode, Jeremy tells the story of Elisha from the book of 2 Kings, Chapter 2. In this story, the focus was to be on Elisha calling a curse down on a mob of b...

Episode 5 - Samson (Judges 13 - 16)

In this episode, Brett tells the story of Samson, from the book of Judges, chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16.

Episode 4 - Jotham's Parable (Judges 9: 7-15) and Jesus Turns Water Into Wine (John 2: 1-12)

In this episode, we explore two stories, one from the Old Testament from Judges, Chapter 9, verses 7-15, the story of Jotham's Parable, and the other from the New Test...

Episode 3 - Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man (Mark 2: 1-12)

From the book of Mark, Chapter 2, verses 1-12, this episode, Jamison Stubbs tells the story of Jesus forgiving and healing a paralyzed man.

Episode 2 - Tamar (Genesis 38: 1-30)

In this episode, Josh Perrius tells us the story of Tamar from the book of Genesis, Chapter 38, verses 1 through 30.

Episode 1 - Ehud, The Left-Handed Judge (Judges 3: 12-30)

This episode Ed Johnson tells the story of Ehud, the left handed judge from Judges 3: 12-30.

Bible On The Rocks Trailer

Trailer Episode for Bible On The Rocks, the podcast where a group of friends get together and discuss stories found in the Bible... over drinks.

Spitfire Productions